that was his alibi. so stephanie went looking for copies of receipts to back up the alibi. so this is the store where supposedly gary down to came to do some shopping? one of the places we had to check out his alibi. the store had boxes and boxes of records, the old-fashioned sign slip kind of mercy. he s not kidding. boxes going back years. steffy rooted through piles of forgotten paper. how many boxes did you go? through i have no idea. i don t remember. hours an hours? i think i ve tried to forget that. and just when steffy felt it was all a wasted effort, he pulled out this scrap. did you find it? i found it. i found it. there it was. a receipt that showed gary and his mom route shopping, all right. on december 13th. not the 15th, when they said
detective and full-time preacher. would an odd combination. i used to say, ultimate good guy. right away, he knew there was a key piece of evidence demanding a closer look. that condom wrapper found in known s apartment. it held somebody s dna, but whose? steffy wondered if police cleared those male friends and neighbors of nona too quickly in the early days of the investigation. do you think they have a valid alibi? because either i m missing something or, you know i began to feel that some of those people maybe need to have their dna compared. so kevin s legal team rolled up its sleeves and slacks and went diving through trash belong to those young man. they got some dna samples. but none matched the dna on the condom wrapper. steffy, the policeman, preacher, needed a lead. you could say he needed a miracle. and wouldn t you know, he got it. it came in the most mundane
and i said, if i can roll them out, they are done. but there was a problem. to get that sample tested, he needed to get the cash strapped jones family to pay for it. i first kevin s mother hesitated, the test costing about $600. but the investigator insisted. what did she say? eventually she said something like, oh, shucks, it s just money. so she paid for it. and what a good investment it turned out to be. because because weeks later, steffy got a call from one of kevin s lawyers. the dna tests were back. and when you know he said, well, it matches gary done. the result strongly suggested that the dna on the condom wrapper was left by known s neighbor, gary done. now now steffy needed to check out dunn s alibi for the day nona was killed. dunn had told police he was out shopping with his mother.
way. two months after kevin s acquittal, and more than a year after nona s death, steffy police chief told him to question a suspect and recent burglary. a man by the name of gary dunn. steffy s eyes widened at that. my chief said do you know who he is? he said yes. he was one of the neighbors to nona dirksmeyer. gary dunn, a neighbor of known as. he was among that handful of men who had been questioning and cleared by police. steffy new that done certainly would ve had the opportunity to kill. his bedroom window look to actually across the small parking lot unknown s bedroom window. now he had to get that man s dna. how do you do that? i asked him for. and he said? yes basically. i asked him if he d be willing to give me his fingerprints.