Commissioners, commissioner jeff sheehy and [inaudible] safai, with that, mr. Clerk, lets call the ro l. Iem tem 1, roll call, commissioner breed, absent, commissioner farrell, absent, commissioner safai, present, commissioner sheehy. Er prenlt. Sheehy, present. Commissioner tang . Present. We have a quorum. Er thank you, item 2, please. Er item 2, Citizens Advisory Committee report, this is an information item. Alright. Thank you, we have chris [inaudible], our cac chair here. Good morning, commissioners, welcome, new commissioners, good to see new faces and current faces, good to see you all, we only had one item thats on your agenda this morning, item number 4, the allocation of 653 thousand in prop k funds to bart for balboa park station. Very minor in a lot of ways but we had some concerns over the et thet ix of the glass head house in comparison to the brutality earn design that is at glen park and balboa park station. I spoke with the architect and he said that the designs were
Neighborhood of the year i know it as a hope of many residents the demonstration of a c having did will be appreciated supervisor kim. Ill save my thanks but happy this is moving forward and im happy about a couple of things for district 6 skaerth park has been added as a parcel within the binder to help to clean the areas around the childrens backgrounds and want to make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of market and others. I just hav
A strict supervisor to give you the certificate of honor creating one of San Franciscos premium defense programs and for everything youve done being the communities go to peoples lawyer and for doing our work with tremendous love and passion and respect for your clients. On behalf of the city thank you for everything youve done clapping and i know that some of my colleagues perhaps want to say something. Supervisor avalos yes. I want to say thank you for your Great Service francisco its been really an honor to work with you. Youve been part of my pieces of lvengs weve done at the board of supervisors protecting immigrants and its axiliary because youve protected families by youve also lived up to the inspirations of a network and working with other attorneys in the community to protect immigrants in the city ive sat down with a lot of folks you living up to the commitment and because of that work we have others people that have the capacity to do this work this is fantastic and part of
To make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of market and others. I just have to say i had mixture feeling but taking the Public Service into the private realm but the cvs have been an advantage and the creativity that is Community Driven by Small Business and residents bring a layer of personal warmth to developing our neighborhoods identified throughout district 6 and, of course, looking for the Public Comment arrest lets go to the publi
Im happy about a couple of things for district 6 skaerth park has been added as a parcel within the binder to help to clean the areas around the childrens backgrounds and want to make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of market and others. I just have to say i had mixture feeling but taking the Public Service into the private realm but the cvs have been an advantage and the creativity that is Community Driven by Small Business and reside