. the bathroom is at the far end of the cottage right up against a steep cliff. in the sand into one home one opening here one door opening towards the rock the bedrock and with. these lists and these huge these. which is exactly reflecting some of the core of the rock. the crowd exposed one hundred square meters of space. you can see that cannot be able to be made in weeks or so from from the same structure of the of the of the rest of the house and just the laid some bubble feet and you can see also here it is a functional way to have some some cool that. the living room and kitchen merge together instead of doors there are curtains. the couple wanted to add an annex to the cottage but local authorities initially prohibited it they wanted to preserve
a dream that they can leave the week up in the morning and just to stretch myself and then see how is the weather and the sea and they can make in just a few meters away and they can just move because that s great that s really great. the bathroom is at the far end of the cottage right up against a steep cliff. decided one on one opening here one door opening towards the rock the bedrock and with this in those who do have these this and these huge these. which is exactly reflecting somehow the color of the rock. the cottage boasts one hundred square meters of space. you can see that cannot be able to be made in weeks so from from the same structure of the of the rest of the house and just the laid some mattresses on bubble feet and you can see also here it is a functional way to have some some cool that. the living room and kitchen merge
this is a spot that most people would be too nervous to approach. the investigation begins. it was supposed to be the perfect weekend in the rockies, but the tragedy struck during a hike. toni henthorn tumbled off the edge of a steep cliff. 8:41 mountain time, her husband harold texted her family two horrible words. she s gone. i d never seen my dad cry. never. and i d say for probably the next two weeks all the time. just constant. reporter: she was his little girl. uh-huh. i can tell you it doesn t matter, you know, what age they are, you know, a parent can never accept it. reporter: toni s friends at work couldn t believe it either. i got a call from christy at our office and all she said is, tammi, toni fell. reporter: what did you think when she said she fell?
a few metres away and they can just look at these that s great that s really great . the bathroom is at the far end of the cottage right up against a steep cliff. decided one on one opening here one of door opening towards the rock the bedrock and with this in those who have these these huge these. with these are the reflecting somehow the cold of the rock. the crowd exposed one hundred square metres of space. you can see that cannot be able to so far has been made in weeks or so from from the same structure of the of the of the rest of the house and just the laid some three season bubble feet and you can see also here it is a functional way to have some some calls that. the living room and kitchen merge together instead of doors there are curtains. the couple wanted to add an annex to
once again? first off, the president made it clear during the campaign we will not be cutting social security. laura: no cuts, no changes. on the health care bill that we can close on a couple of times was fundamental reform in medicaid. there are ways that we can find savings and even improve services to our most vulnerable americans in these programs and i promise you whether it s medicaid or other areas. laura: medicare, social security, we are not going to touch those of the first term. has been very clear on those issues. a growing economy and fiscal responsibility giving states more flexibility to administer programs like medicaid is a pathway towards fiscal solvency. laura: you think we can grow our way out of $20 trillion in debt? even with 4.9% growth that is a steep cliff. we have a president who has a boundless opinion about the capacity of the american people and the strength of the american