by Donald Theriault - March 1, 2021, 8:00 am EST
For the first time in a month there s nothing either unlocking or preloading on my Switch. whoops, there s Gnosia.
Maybe I ll have time to catch up on a bunch of stuff that came out in February, as for me March is coming in like a lamb. Although the big game is Natsume taking Harvest Moon into the open world with the appropriately named One World, my attention is focused on the Playism-localized visual novel Gnosia (as featured in last December s Indie World and then immediately vented, but I ll say no more).
Speaking of that which is sus, noted employee abusers Quantic Dream are making their Switch debut this week as a publisher of the former EA original Sea of Solitude - the first of three straight weeks we ve got an EA game. The title of the week award is a dead heat between tinyBuild s Kill It With Fire, or the cheerfully true Doug Hates His Job.