myself a segway tour through the vineyards 1st a quick introduction to my trusty steed. hold tight to transfer your weight on to your toes really slightly forwards this is the weird. thing the transfer your way to your heels to break that was how you moved to steer it up but i didn t move yes you did. and off we go. after 20 minutes we reach our destination. thanks to.
and now we can apply these instruction principles in a multitude of ways this is it is math as fast as enough many different shapes all know by g. going among and we can guess in a certain way on what the overall construction might look like i ll see what the outcome is. the architects of use the beetle wings pillars to design pentagons the foam the basic building blocks of the structure. the armor its leaves but here we have simulated the stresses acting on such an element the money you can sue the magnitude and the direction of the stresses so you can meet some of the aerials there. and you re going to see us going to your structure will look like an steed. the beetle wing privilege consists of carbon glass eyepiece computer controlled robots produce the individual. final structure is put up on the university s campus and. normally this would be the end of such an
mine said to have become like that i hope not me would talk about having electricity in all of their components. botany professor by profession seventy nine year old sunny received happy steed by studying in candlelight she s also the author of seven academic textbooks for graduate students in india. i completed my peer. on a small lamp to me. i was writing the tissues in the one told me so we would be would be hard. so i you.
say that conway resembles windsor castle certainly it looks quite different from. that was what the king s architect intended james of st george is his name he comes from the continent from savoy in the alps and he s the top man when it comes to consul design the say. our third castle stands a day s ride south west of conway opposite the isle of anglesey the way that is more or less flat because you can keep to the coast by white steed simply flies a long. past. last man. man. the novel is
the senator is reminded that as a violation of rule 19. rule 19 says you do not cast dispersions on the character of a fellow senator. she s reprimanded but not deterred. mrs. kings views and words ring true today. after reading a letter from the lathe credit that scott king who opposed sessions to be a federal judge in 1986, she s interrupted again. mr. president, senator warren quote, said senator sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens. i call the senator to order under provision of rule mr. president, i m surprised that the words of caretta scott king are not suitable for debate in the united states senate. i appeal the ruling. the senator will take her steed. shockingly warren is barred