Sea. Good morning, im Kerry Connolly. Hermine is the first storm to make landfall as a hurricane in florida in 11 years, and its impact will be felt for a long time. One man was killed at a campground more than 325,000 people are still without power. 6,000 members of the National Guard are on standby for disaster relief. If you watched our sunset last night and thought it was especially dramatic, you can the storm is pushing into our area. Thankfully, we wont see the rain until later in the Holiday Weekend. Barry burbank has the latest. Good morning, everybody. On this saturday morning. Hermine is located 60 miles to the westnorthwest of cape hatteras, north carolina, where the center is located, anyway. As kerry mentioned, a lot of the high clouds are fanning up here, an outflow from the system. The rain is way off to the south there. Moving eastnortheast at 21 miles an hour. You might think its going to move out and move out fast and go out with an eastnortheast trajectory and south