let s just take a moment to explain how this type of nuclear power plant works. the animation you see here is produced by the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission, and is not an exact replica of the fukushima plant. it s an illustration of the type of plant the fukushima one. now first, the core inside the reactor vessel on the left-hand side of the graphic. that s what creates the heat. very pure water flows through the reactor, gets heated, and that produces a steam water mixture. now the steam line directs the steam to the main turbine, which then turns the turbine generator which produces the electricity. the unused steam goes into the condenser where it s condensed back into water and it goes back into the system. with more on what the earthquake has done to japan s nuclear reactors, you can go to our website. we posted answers to a number of questions on that. it s there at cnn.com. okay. i believe now we can go to our