These include:
Replace existing conservatory with flat roof extension at Ivy Cottage, The Square, Cattistock
Change of use of site for camp/glamping from Easter until October 31, and associated development including use of mobile shepherds hut, 2.5m concrete hard standing for toilet/shower facilities and new waste tank at Sunnyside, Gatemore Road, Winfrith Newburgh
Siting of 20 portacabins for use as office accommodation, cycle store and smoking shelter, together with the construction of a surface car park, access and surrounding bund with associated pathways at land to the east of Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor (SGHWR), Monterey Avenue, Winfrith Newburgh
Demolition/conversion of buildings to provide 16 apartments and commercial floorspace with associated parking and landscaping at Former Gibbs and Dandy Site Builder Centre, Great Western Road, Dorchester
Andy Sloan meeting Prince Philip After the sad news of the death of the Duke of Edinburgh on Friday, we asked you to get in touch with your memories of seeing him. Prince Philip carried out countless engagements in Dorset over the years, his most recent being the unveiling of a statue of the Queen Mother in Poundbury alongside the Queen in 2016. He also visited the area in 2009 when he did a walkabout on Weymouth beach with the Queen. Andy Sloan of Weymouth met Prince Philip on this occasion. He said: It was an honour to have met this legend. He made me laugh pretty hard. There was a group of women playing volleyball 50 metres behind me and he leaned in with a naughty smile and said I bet you wish you were over there’.