videotapes of planned parenthood officials saying and doing they thinks that even planned parenthood questioned in terms of the glibness. is there nothing on the videotapes that you saw that bothers you at all? let s remember what we were debating on the floor of the united states senate. and that was defunding planned parenthood. 2.7 million people get their health care from planned parenthood every year. one in every five women in america sometime in her life with get her health care from planned parenthood. planned parenthood, what does it mostly do? 98% of what planned parenthood does is about cancer screenings, screenings for stds, about birth control. planned parenthood is in more than half of all of the planned parenthood clinics are in places where there s limited access to health care. so this, for many women, is their only health care provider.
the reason that planned parenthood proportly was in front of the congressional hearing because of the video tapes of officials saying and doing things th things. is there nothing on the video tapes that bothers you at all? let s remember what we were debating on the floor of the united states senate. that was defunding planned parenthood. 2.7 million people get their health care from planned parenthood every year. one in every five women in america sometime in her life will get her health care from planned parenthood. planned parenthood, what does it mostly do? 97% of what they do is cancer screenings, screenings for stds, about birth control. planned parenthood is more than half of all the the planned parenthood clinics are places where there s limited access to health care.
stds, it encourages others to do that, as well. but we also know there s also an effect or copy cat phenomenon. so when we celebrate it, when we publicize it in someway, we promote it in that 20-30% of these killings can be atributed to the ones before that are copying them. look at his own words. remember what this killer said. a man who is known by no one is now known by everyone. his face splashed across every screen. his name across the lips of every person on the planet all in the course of one day. it seems the more people you kill, the more you re in the lime light. he got exactly what he want.
stds, it encourages others to do that, as well. but we also know there s also an effect or copy cat phenomenon. so when we celebrate it, when we publicize it in someway, we promote it in that 20-30% of these killings can be atributed to the ones before that are copying them. look at his own words. remember what this killer said. a man who is known by no one is now known by everyone. his face splashed across every screen. his name across the lips of every person on the planet all in the course of one day. it seems the more people you kill, the more you re in the lime light.
education go on. the college football team i blame the college football program for everything that goes wrong in the state. the snowboarding is fantastic there. they had a 700% increase in stds for women. they say there may be a correlation with the education they get through high school. what stops the traps mission is protecti is knowing things can be transmitted through questionable transmissions. activities? yes. the point is that you can t put a billboard up and slam these websites, these businesses, because it s not the businesses having sex. it s people. they know that. they know what they are doing. they are no different than pita. they are sensationalizing so we talk about it. they get advertising. what they want is to drive people to their foundation to get testing there.