LOCAL EVENTS DINE WITH A DOC(R) - 2nd Wednesday of every month 10a-12pm at Staunton Community Center (812) 448-1487 SENIOR CENTER HOSTS EUCHRE Weekly euchre at the Senior Center on Mondays. The.
Senior Education Ministries, Inc. has scheduled Dine with a Doc(R)- Clay County: the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 10a-12pm to take place at the Staunton Community Center 101 N Monroe St;.
DINE WITH A DOC(R)- 2nd Wednesday of every month 10a-12pm Staunton Community Center (812) 448-1487 SENIOR CENTER HOSTS EUCHRE Weekly euchre at the Senior Center on Mondays Senior Center is located.
Staunton Community Center
July 29, 2022
4-7 p.m.
Chicken Noodles, Mashed potatoes, green beans, Freezer slaw, and Homemade Rolls with Coffee, Tea, or Lemonade
$10 adults $5 children
Dine with a Doc(R) Senior Education Ministries, Inc. has scheduled Dine with a Doc(R)- Clay County: the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 10a-12pm to take place at the Staunton Community Center 101.