apprehending him from the onset. it took 44 days of public pressure to make that happen. i accept the jury s verdict, but the fact of the matter is there was an injustice. with the lane situation, it is a horrific crime and a terrible sadness for that family and for that community. but the perpetrators have been apprehended. the system is working. they are not comparable cases in any shape what about the racial aspect. put aside the fact the prosecutor and the local cops felt because of stand your ground and because of the way the self-defense statute out is written in florida that they had no chance of conviction. i can say with confidence months before the verdict he would never be found guilty. was the black community supposed to be sigh lept when an unarmed black youth was killed was this community supposed to be silent? no every community everywhere in this planet protects its young. do you feel in the christopher lane case in oklahoma city where you had two two two of t
apprehending him from the onset. it took 44 days of public pressure to make that happen. i accept the jury s verdict, but the fact of the matter is there was an injustice. with the lane situation, it is a horrific crime and a terrible sadness for that family and for that community. but the perpetrators have been apprehended. the system is working. they are not comparable cases in any shape what about the racial aspect. put aside the fact the prosecutor and the local cops felt because of stand your ground and because of the way the self-defense statute out is written in florida that they had no chance of conviction. i can say with confidence months before the verdict he would never be found guilty. was the black community supposed to be sigh lept when an unarmed black youth was killed was this community supposed to be silent? no every community everywhere in this planet protects its young. do you feel in the christopher lane case in oklahoma city where you had two two two of t
then polly shore showed up jie. it was off the chain. 45-year-old grown ass man trashing a hotel room. i believe he should spend the rest of his natural life behind bars. gargoyles, first of all that was an actual gargoyle. it was not a man painted to be a gargoyle. that is somebody that has been involved with purchasing things like that. believe me, if you cover yourself with that much body paint you can t move. trust me that was a statue. statute out. it gets very hot and you feel like you are going to faint. i am done. you are done. i made it through. jed dojedediah, bill schulz, joe, m cat.
bitten 150 to 200 times. she died while being rushed to the hospital. police say the dogs, pittbulls belonged to devitt s neighbor, alex jackson. joining me is mercedes cohen and faith jenkins. second-degree murder charges, faith, can they back that up? yes, they can. normally in these cases, megan, dog owners are not charged with murder because of the intent element in the statute out. here in california a person can be prosecuted when there is dangerous conduct and it is obvious as a result of that conduct that someone could be killed or their life could be put in risk of great harm. that s what we have here. there is precedent for a case like this. 10 years ago a woman was prosecuted under this statute in california and the jury convicted her of murder. what is the evidence before i get to mercedes, but what is the evidence, tait, is faith, that he knew or had reason to know were the