some of these republicans are so fed up with the holdouts that they are going to start working with democrats. they ll put up a moderate republican they like and get the numbers from them. for a lot of conservatives, that s really the worst-case scenario. that s even more of the status quo in washington. bill brought this up earlier. i think kevin mccarthy gave away too much over the weekend. he negotiated badly, and it has now come to bite him in the keister. but someone has to pay the price for the few gains that republicans made in the house, because that was supposed to be a very, very comfortable margin. doesn t someone have to answer for that? it s democrats who go, oh, my god, we did still amazing, we didn t lose that much. that s loser thinking. harris: joe biden is not convinced of that. he thinks he did it. kennedy: he still thinks this is 1954. harris: anyway, we won t even go there. we know the numbers. dr. nesheiwat: i think you re right. it is an emergency, espe
reaching out to a foreign country to get help on likely general election opponent. this isn t the first accusation that they ve made, right, they tried collusion and that didn t stick, now they are trying this and this won t stick, any narrative to seek revenge on the american people for voting in donald trump to drain the swamp to change the status quo in washington and get results for americans, that s what the oath of office should be about, getting results for americans, not continuing the status quo of the obama administration, of the bidens of the clintons before that, using the office to get their own interest taken care of. eric: all right, congressman from indiana, thank you so much for joining us and giving your insight and your view of this controversy, take care, arthel. arthel: eric, house democrats are warning the white house that
for the bench. do you worry that some judges may say, i don t want to go through that? i don t want to put myself through that or my family through that, my reputation? i think whether you are a senate or house member, you have to come back and you have to continue to fight. that s why i m running for reelection. we can t let this be the status quo in washington. cory booker. i remember vividly has spartacus moment. i remember kamala harris holding up a document that had nothing on it, pretending like she was a prosecutor. and, the politics of destructi destruction. mike: thanks for your time.
evidence you have for having nothing. they need to move on. you remember on the judiciary committee you helped that these people for the bench, do you worry some judges may say i don t want to go through that, don t want to put myself through that are put my family through that. i do. every member running for congress, whether senate or house member, you have to worry about that but that s why you have to come back and continue to fight. that s why i am running for reelection. we cannot let this be the status quo in washington. cory booker, i remember vividly his spartacus moment. kamala harris holding up a document that obviously had nothing on it, pretending she was a prosecutor, she was anything but a fair-minded person when she became, went before the judiciary committee and tried to encourage this politics of personal destruction that the american people are getting tired of. thanks for your time. the united states is planning an attack on the world s largest
your best friend killed in war. i object to that. up next i m wondering if you see any of yourself in these young people who are agitating for change and really challenging the status quo in washington. hey, darryl. would you choose the network rated #1 in the nation by the experts, or the one awarded by the people? uh. correct! you don t have to choose, cause, uh. oh! (vo) switch to the network awarded by rootmetrics and j.d. power. buy one of our best phones, get one on us.