Choi Heejae competed in the survival show "Finding Momoland," which created MLD Entertainment's girl group MOMOLAND. However, she was eliminated from the program and eventually left the company. Where could she be at present? Find out below!
#ChoiHeejae #Heejae #최희재 #희재 #MOMOLAND #MLDEntertainment #FindingMomoland #모모랜드 #모모랜드찾기
One of the SMROOKIES member who left SM Entertainment is Kim Suhye. Where could she be at present? Did she still pursue a career as a K-pop idol? Find out all the answers below!
#SMROOKIES #SMTOWN #SMEntertainment #SMTrainee #KimSuhye #Suhye #SM엔터테인먼트 #수혜