actually revealed, it makes it a much more spectacular and transformable, rather than static tra nsformable, rather than static image. transformable, rather than static imaue. ~ ., transformable, rather than static imaue. ~ . , , ., transformable, rather than static ima.e . ., , , ., ., image. want it ship to gentle going for? essential, image. want it ship to gentle going for? essential, it image. want it ship to gentle going for? essential, it is image. want it ship to gentle going for? essential, it is an for? essential, it is an amalgamation - for? essential, it is an amalgamation of - for? essential, it is an amalgamation of the i for? essential, it is an - amalgamation of the facial for? essential, it is an amalgamation of the facial shape of amalgamation of the facial shape of a man, woman and child. the human eye cheats, the human eye fills in so much that is not there. if you give it a hence, it will fill in an awful lot, and that is part of what it is. is it big enou