Attorney general Jeff Sessions, one of the speakers at the National Lawyers society federalist meeting in washington. Later there will be a keynote speech by white House Counsel gahn. D mc live coverage, here on cspan. [applause] host good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure to be with you and to look at this overflow audience here. Particularly, its an honor to me to introduce a gentleman. Hat i have known for long time hes a good friend and certainly a person i have great admiration for. As lawyers we all appreciate the many responsibilities of the attorney general. He is, of course, the chief Law Enforcement officer of the area easedernment area eased the Legal Advisor to the executive branch. And he has a special responsibility to the people of the country to be sure that the constitution is preserved and protected. Sessionscareer of jeff could not have been better to make him such an ideallyqualified person for this responsibility. Jeff, of course, as you know,