there seemed to be no central school data repository. there was a professor of economics at brown trying to collate it all together. do we have central data? is there central somewhere in the federal government whether it s cdc or you, there is a database that is tracking school infections, how they re moving, what the rates are in schools so that we know what s going on? right, chris. data needs to drive the direction that we move. data needs to drive where we re focusing our efforts. and what we ve done since coming in is develop data systems working closely with cdc to make sure we have realtime information. right now we have folks at the department of education working closely with states calling, tracking these data. and we are using these data to determine that the strategies are working and where there are pockets of covid spread we re noticing that the use of mitigation strategies is not consistent. so, yes, we aredwe those systems that did not exist before.