started coverage on shares of United States Antimony (NYSE:UAMY – Get Rating) in a report published on Thursday morning. The brokerage issued a hold rating on the stock. United States Antimony Stock Performance United States Antimony stock opened at $0.38 on Thursday. The company has a quick ratio of 17.60, a current ratio of […]
Investment analysts at assumed coverage on shares of United States Antimony (NYSE:UAMY – Get Rating) in a note issued to investors on Thursday. The firm set a “hold” rating on the stock. United States Antimony Stock Performance UAMY stock opened at $0.38 on Thursday. The business’s fifty day moving average is $0.41 and its […]
Shares of United States Antimony Co. (NYSEAMERICAN:UAMY – Get Rating) crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $0.00 and traded as high as $0.40. United States Antimony shares last traded at $0.40, with a volume of 59,667 shares trading hands. United States Antimony […]
/PRNewswire/ The zeolite market size is set to grow by USD 3.94 billion from 2021 to 2026. In addition, the growth momentum of the market will accelerate at.