Direct flight time from Richmond, VA to Abingdon. Flying time between Richmond International Airport, Richmond, VA, United States and RAF Station Airport, Abingdon, United Kingdom. One stop & 1+ stop flight time between Richmond, VA & Abingdon. Richmond, VA Airport to Abingdon Airport (RIC to ABB) flight duration and operating airlines.
Direct flight time from Baton Rouge to Abingdon. Flying time between Ryan Airport, Baton Rouge, United States and RAF Station Airport, Abingdon, United Kingdom. One stop & 1+ stop flight time between Baton Rouge & Abingdon. Baton Rouge Airport to Abingdon Airport (BTR to ABB) flight duration and operating airlines.
Direct flight time from Rochester, NY to Abingdon. Flying time between Greater Rochester International Airport, Rochester, NY, United States and RAF Station Airport, Abingdon, United Kingdom. One stop & 1+ stop flight time between Rochester, NY & Abingdon. Rochester, NY Airport to Abingdon Airport (ROC to ABB) flight duration and operating airlines.
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