st. louis. and an fbi agent investigating the republican was later indicted for lying about his interview with greitens accuser. a missouri athethics board also found no wron doing about separate allegations of misconduct from 2016 that would fine his campaign for not reporting in-kind contributions. yet his accuser has never retracted the allegations of sexual assault, including that he taped her hands to pull-up rings and he allegedly took a picture of her with her pants down, allegations all detailed in a gop-led statehouse investigation. you will find out there is no exoneration because it shows his basic character in a way that i think would be shocking to the average person if they just read it. there s a lot of questions left unanswered when he left. that s going to be his job in the campaign. reporter: it s been a decade since the last gop nightmare in missouri when democrat claire mccaskill defeated a republican engulfed in controversy.
evidence of wrongdoing over separate allegations of campaign misconduct from 2016. it would fine the campaign for not reporting in-kind contributions. his accuser never retracted the allegations of sexual assault, including he taped her hands to pull-up rings and he took a picture of her with her pants down. all detailed in a gop-led statehouse investigation. . you will find there is no exoneration. because it shows his basic character in a way that i think would be shocking to the average person if they just read it. there were a lot of questions unanswered when he left. reporter: it has been a decade since the last gop nightmare when clare macaskill def defeated. there were controversies tod.
going to be a good election season. it s going to be tough. but it will be good. shannon: only seven short months to go. who knows how many roller coaster rides will have between now and then. water under the bridge. shannon: thank you for coming in. former house speaker john boehner says he has a change of heart on marijuana and will promote a nationwide legalization. john boehner has during the advisory board of acreage holdings, a multistate cannabis company. he wants to allow the veterans affairs department to offer marijuana as a treatment option. amid calls for his impeachment, missouri republican governor eric greitens is calling the investigation into his admitted extramarital affair a witch hunt. a statehouse investigation releasing testimony claiming he initiated a physically aggressive, unwanted encounter with his hairdresser, atherton to distribute a partially nude t about it. they describe the women s testimony as credible.
it will be a tough election season. but it will be good. 7 short months ago and who knows how many roller coasters between now and then. thank you for coming in. former house speaker john boehner will promote nationwide legalization of marijuana. he joined the advisory board of acreage holdings, multistate cannabis company, he wants to allow veterans affairs department to offer marijuana as a treatment option. and calls for his impeachment misery republican governor eric wright is calling the investigation to visit the extra marital affair witchhunt and statehouse investigation releasing testimony claiming he initiated an unwanted sexual encounter with his hairdresser and threatened to distribute a partially nude photo of her if she spoke out about it. the report signed by all 5 republicans and democrats on the committee describes the woman s testimony is credible.
is disgraceful. washington post says steve bennett is urging his old colleagues in the white house to get more aggressive with a multipronged assault on the federal investigation telling administration officials get the president to fire rosenstein to rein in mueller and stop cooperation, have no presidential interview with a special counsel and bannon once the president to retroactively invoke executive privilege, to cooperate with special counsel, that he can noe longer use that material. shannon: we will see if the president is listening to his advice. the threat of legal action and more for the justice department, learning more about why trump administration officials have been reluctant to share the contents of a top-secret fbi memo involving russia and the 2016 election. catherine herridge late details. reporter: after threatening