Riccardo Randisi trio feat Kate Worker si esibiranno in Broadway 2.0 venerdì 13 agosto alle 21 al Parco Lilybeo di Marsala (Baglio Tamburello). Un omaggio alla.
turning towards our friend at larry elder who is now leading the recall challenger by a whopping ten points. he s here with reaction and is now officially a gubernatorial candidate, actually on the ballot, they tried to give them up for some reason. larry elder and his number one fan and supporter, leo 2.0 terrel. i always thought from the beginning that question one was going to be the hard question. will the people vote to recall gavin newsom? we need 50% plus one. this now looks like a possibility. that s right, it s on the margin of error and that s a dramatic increase from just a couple of weeks ago. people have had it with these ridiculous mandates that they ve been talking about and recently got gavin newsom said if you are a state worker and you haven t been vaccinated you will be tested once a week and wear a mask. now you are telling people who
challenger by a whopping ten points. he s here with reaction and officially a gubernatorial candidate on the ballot, they try to keep them off for some reason. larry elder and his number one fan and supporter leo terrel i always thought from the beginning, question 1 was going to be a hard question, do people vote to recall gavin newsom? you need 50% plus one. this now looks like a possibility. it s in the margin of error and that is a dramatic increase versus just a couple weeks ago, people have had it with these ridiculous mandates and recently the governor gavin newsom has said if you are a state worker and you haven t been vaccinated you are going to be tested once a week and while at work, you re going to wear a mask. i thought the whole point behind being vaccinated as you re going to be protected against people who haven t been vaccinated and now you re telling people who haven t been vaccinated with
meantime in new york city, the mayor bill de blasio announced a new vaccine mandate for all city workers. on september 13th, the entire city workforce will be mandated under the covid safety mandate to either get vaccinated which is far preferable or get tested once a week. add to that a new joint statement from 50 state worker groups to mandate the vaccinations to keep the vulnerable populations safe in the surging. joining us is rehema ellis in queens, new york, and nbc medical contributor who is the founder and ceo of advancing health equity, and big welcome to you both. rehema, what can you tell us about the new mandate from the mayor s office there in new york?
Pay cuts ending for 130,000 California state workers. Others must negotiate
Sacramento Bee 1 hr ago Wes Venteicher, The Sacramento Bee
May 14 Work for the state of California? Get the latest news on pensions, pay and more in the State Worker newsletter. Sign up here.
Pay will be restored automatically for about 130,000 California state workers represented by two unions, while the rest of the workforce must wait for their unions to bargain new agreements over wage reductions all employees took last year, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday.
Pay will be restored automatically for about 100,000 employees represented by SEIU Local 1000 and for about 28,000 people represented by the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, Newsom said.