The Enforcement Directorate on Friday said it has attached three land parcels worth more than Rs 161 crore as part of an ongoing money laundering probe linked to a case of "land grabbing and fraud" in Jharkhand. The ED also filed a fresh charge sheet in the case. The federal agency has summoned Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren for questioning in this case twice but he has not appeared before it and is understood to have filed a petition before the Supreme Court against the ED action.
KOTA KINABALU (Aug 10): A guideline is needed to appoint appropriate teachers for preschools in Sabah, says Community Development and People's Wellbeing (KPMKR) Minister Datuk James Ratib.
He made the suggestion after a preschool child was allegedly physically abused by his teacher here.
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During the Yuva Janotsava event organized by the Bengaluru Jain University Center for Management Studies on February 8, the petitioner students had presented a satirical short play that focused on the reservation system.
The Under Secretary to the Political (A) Department, Assam, has written to the Secretary for the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment of the state to conduct an examination regarding the.
ANS (Amguri Nabanirman Samity) has moved the Prime Minister’, now with the demand for an inquiry into the alleged embezzlement of funds in the State Social Welfare Department from 2009-10 to 2018-19.