that corporate tax cut. that s all they want him for. as soon as they get that tax cut, you watch what happens. there is a special place in hell for republicans who should know better. how does he get away with it? i would think if any democrat or member of the media, you know, slaged on ivanka that way, he would attack, but steve bannon, i feel like he s going to skate. yeah, probably so. i guess they re buddies. he s the sort of the bart of the white working class. he also, by the way, took a shot at the university of alabama while in alabama. in favor of harvard. and i just want to say as an s.e.c. state school kid, go dogs, i find that a little elitist. this is an era where kayla moore s comment or the knock of alabama or the ivanka trump knock, they don t matter. it does not permeate in the way that it would have three years ago. yeah, it s pretty remarkable.