Perugini Honored For Leading BOE Through Difficult Times- Cheshire Board of Education Chair Tony Perugini knows that other school districts in Connecticut face greater challenges than does Cheshire. That doesn’t mean things are always easy in the community.Since he was first elected to the Board in 2009,.
Linehan, Zupkus Both Heading Back To Hartford- It was a good night for both the incumbents in the 103rd and 89th State House Districts.In the 103, State Representative Liz Linehan (D), a Cheshire resident who previously served on the local Town Council before first being elected to state office in.
For the past two years, law enforcement has tried to put the brakes on a worldwide wave of catalytic converter thefts. It has remained a crime so rampant and.
The fentanyl overdose of a 13-year-old at the Sports and Medical Science Academy in Hartford last week is still sending shockwaves through the state. So now,.
Mental Health: The Importance Of Keeping Everyone On The Right Track- This is the continuing series of columns from State Representative Liz Linehan (D-103) addressing the issue of mental health among children and teens. This is the fourth installment in my series on Children’s Mental Health, in partnership with The.