Most people know that Illinois is known as the Land Of Lincoln, but did you know Illinois has an official pet, an official fossil, and even official dirt?
Most people know that Illinois is known as the Land Of Lincoln, but did you know Illinois has an official pet, an official fossil, and even official dirt?
state level but on a national level. according to the spca, nearly 6.3 million cats and dogs enter animal shelters across the nation every year. but only about 4 million of them ever find a new forever home. i am excited and honored to welcome to my show the amazing nine-year-old who is behind ethan s rescue pet project. ethan branscomb and his mother, mush a branscomb. good morning to both of. you ethan i am so proud of you and i am amazed that you want to make your rescue animals the official path of not only kentucky but the whole country. what inspired you to take up this project? i had seen the ohio had made their state pet the rescue pets, and i also saw the animal laws in kentucky were not so good. but i thought that this would help bring awareness to animals and children s across the state.