a victim outside, he and an officer immediately responded, their training kicked in, they didn t wait for initial personnel, he wanted to reduce the number of victims and neutralize that threat and he did that. he went in and he was able to divert this suspects attention from others, drawing fire on himself and he absolutely saved others. harris: you talk about the state patrol officer who was with him and we are looking right now, let s draw our attention to the center of the screen right now. we are looking at the hearse carrying sheriff sergeant ron helus, and his service and training as he went into that bar last night and saved so many lives. captain, i know on different forces and the county where you are and police forces all around, people are talking about
lungs get down, get into the back room, hide and stay quiet. what went through your mind? what did you hear after that? well, at first i thought it could have been a drill maybe since we had one in a while but i know they do that there. i was going wit. i remained calm. i thought it would be over soon. because also one of the reasons i thought it was a drill. there were no shots at all. we didn t hear anything. no warning. no gunshots, no nothing. what happened then in terms of how you exited the building? at any point what did you see from the other building when you came out? well we all, after about, i was sitting and hiding in the back room for about 15 minutes to an hour, we finally emerged when a state patrol officer came out. okay for a bag check. we looked out, quiet and freakishly ghost-like campus