Former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath, under whose leadership the party contested the December assembly polls, has missed key events during his party’s Lok Sabha campaign in the state, although party leaders said he is focussed on the election of his son and the Congress’s only sitting MP in the state, Nakul Nath. | Latest News India
The party has been made better under the new leadership, he said. "This is our home - the house we built and raised. Our family is close to the BJP. Modi s 10-year rule of the country has done a good job. It is the desire of all of us, hundreds of crores of people of India, that he should become the Prime Minister again and that our country should emerge economically stronger," he said.
Former CM Sadananda Gowda quits electoral politics - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
It is not enough to use the charismatic Prime Minister at the penultimate moment to compensate for all local problems. In the end, it ends up embarrassing him too