Exclusive for Subscribers from Monday to Friday: Have you ever thought how Space hotline and China’s Interest in Nepal are relevant to the UPSC Exam? What significance do topics like “stitched ship” method of shipbuilding, C-295 aircraft, Project Mausam and National Education Policy (NEP) have for both the preliminary and main exams? You can learn more by reading the Indian Express UPSC Key for September 26, 2023.
A recent analysis of the Periodic Labour Force Survey in India challenges the traditional gender norm of the "male breadwinner." The study found that in households where the husband s earnings are high, the probability of the wife being employed is low. However, in urban areas, there is a reversal beyond a certain income level, with an increased likelihood of wives being employed The gender pay gap in India has narrowed, with women now earning 76% of their male counterparts.
The Azim Premji University s report, State of Working India 2023, highlights how the growth slowdown and the Covid-19 pandemic have impacted the labor market. The workforce has shifted towards self-employment, with women being more affected than men. However, the report also notes that gender-based earnings disparities in India have reduced since 2017, with salaried women now earning 76% of their male counterparts.