reporter: finally, beginning this october, anyone wishing to board an airplane flight must present a real id compliant driver s license, or a passport or military id card. the newer licenses all have a star on the upper right-hand corner to show they meet the law s tougher standards. state motor vehicle departments are required to verify each person s records, making it much harder to falsify the most widely used form of identification so go ahead and do it now while you can get it done early so you don t have any issues on october 1st. reporter: as of january 1st, new hampshire allows residents to put x under sex on their driver s licenses. it for people who don t identify as male or female. it s legal to possess small amounts of marijuana in illinois and michigan, bringing the number of states that allow recreational use to 11 one of them is nevada. employers there cannot refuse to hire someone who tests positive for marijuana. in washington state, parents must put