While 10 of the 15 people were arrested on Wednesday, Deputy SP Limkheda Bishakha Jain said the police have launched a manhunt for five others. They included an unidentified auto driver, a car driver and a helper at a shop in the Piplod market.
The Office of the Director General of Police and Chief Police Officer in Gujarat, along with the State Monitoring Cell, has made significant progress in dismantling illegal online betting and trading operations.
The State Monitoring Cell (SMC) raided Surat's Katargam area and seized liquor worth Rs 22 lakh. A total of 30.10 lakh goods including liquor have been | BLiTZ
Bharuch District Superintendent of Police has suspended two employees of its technical surveillance team for leaking officer's movement to bootleggers.District Superintendent of Police Leena Patil said two employees have been suspended and a .