much identical. it has the same features. there is some language in it, as i understand it, that says this law cannot that complying with federal civil rights law is a compelling interest, which sounds really reassuring. but of course, there is no state law anywhere that can overrule federal civil rights law. so in essence, that s a concession that means nothing. it has the same language about private parties. it has the same language about for profit business. it seems to have been the product of a lot of behind the scenes contact among the people who are lobbying for these bills in a number of states. and last week before this became this subject that it is now, the governor of arkansas said
discriminate. it s to make it as hard as possible for your customers to get equal treatment. take us through the arkansas law. the arkansas law is pretty much identical. it has the same features. there is some language in it as i understand it that says this law cannot that complying with federal civil rights law is a compelling interest which sounds really reassuring. but of course there is no state law anywhere that can overrule federal civil rights law. so in essence, that s a concession that means nothing. it has the same language about private parties. it has the same language about for profit business. it seems to have been the product of a lot of behind the scenes contact among the people who are lobbying for these bills in a number of states.