A high-level committee headed by Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday approved around Rs3,113 crore to five states that faced natural disasters and pest attacks in 2020. The states and union territory that will get the additional central assistancefrom the National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF)are AndhraPradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Madhya Pradesh, a home ministry statement said. The committee, underthe chairmanship of the home minister, has approved the additional central assistance to the five states and UT, which were affected by floods, cyclones (Nivar and Burevi) and pest attack during 2020. Andhra Pradesh will get Rs 280.78 crore and Bihar Rs 1,255.27 crore for floods during the South-West monsoon.
Shah-led high level committee approves Rs 3,113 crore for 5 states as disaster relief
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Shah-led high level committee approves Rs 3,113 crore for 5 states as disaster relief
PTI / Updated: Feb 13, 2021, 12:49 IST
(Representative image)
NEW DELHI: A high-level committee headed by Union home minister Amit Shah on Saturday approved around Rs 3,113 crore to five states that faced natural disasters and pest attacks in 2020.
The states and union territory that will get the additional central assistance from the National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Madhya Pradesh, a home ministry statement said.
The committee, under the chairmanship of the home minister, has approved the additional central assistance to the five states and UT, which were affected by floods, cyclones (Nivar and Burevi) and pest attack during 2020.
NEW DELHI: While informing the Rajya Sabha that 20 people had lost their lives, six were injured and 197 had gone missing in the avalanche disaster in Uttarakhand, home minister Amit Shah on Tuesday sought to reassure the MPs that the Centre and state government were working in tandem for timely rescue and relief in the affected areas.
Making a suo motu statement in the upper House, Shah said the state government has ruled out any danger of downstream flooding as the rise in water level has been contained. “Centre and state government have been keeping a strict vigil on the situation. It is observed from the satellite data (Planet Lab) of 7 February, 2021, in catchment of Rishi Ganga river at the terminus of the glacier at an altitude of 5,600 m, a landslide triggered a snow avalanche covering approximately 14 sq km area and causing a flash flood in the downstream of Rishi Ganga river,” he informed the MPs.