shepard: secretary kerry plans to focus on security for staffers arranged the world. james rosen at the state department tonight. we are also learning that he met with survivors of the benghazi attack, yes? fox news has learned that secretary kerry carved out time on saturday of this past weekend to make a secret trip to walter reed national medical center. and there he visited with some of the security agents wounded in benghazi on 9/11. everything i do will be focused on security and safety of our people. we have tough decisions to make but i guarantee i will will do everything i can to live up to the high standers that secretary clinton and her team put in place. kerry s spokeswoman declined to say when i asked her what kerry meant why that reference to benghazi being obscured by politics, shep. shepard: he made the rounds on the phones today i understand. yes, and over the weekend he he spoke with the foreign ministers of japan and south korea. aids to kerry say he dial
shepard: the explosion powerful enough to shatter windows. turkey s prime minister blames the attack on a doe meigs stick left wing military group that the united states has designated terrorist organization. image of the man who carried out the attack. they say he walked up to a side entrance of the embassy compound and detonated explosives trapped to his body. jennifer griffin with the news from the state department tonight. jennifer, the new secretary of state on day one already dealing with this. that s right. and, in fact, this u.s.s. embassy is an embassy that sits very close to the street. and state department officials say it has been slated to be moved for quite some time. in fact, before leaving her post today, secretary clinton acknowledged the attack. we live in very complex and even dangerous times as we saw again just today at our embassy. secretary of state john kerry was sworn in by justice
have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. that agency is a reference to the annex and the cia that was running it. a source on the ground who was working the weapons issue told fox news that they believed ambassador stephens was in benghazi to help facilitate a weapons transfer, these sa 7 s. the shoulder-fired missiles out of the hands of extremists, the state department did not deny fox news reporting but seemed to dismiss it. this one data point may suggest why ambassador stephens was in such a volatile region because he had very important mission on such an important anniversary, shepard. shepard: catherine herridge at the state department tonight. a step toward equality on the battlefield tonight as the pentagon prepares to lift restrictions on women in combat. as the defense secretary leaves, that s his gift, we will tell you about the new plans for women at war and why some women say it really might not be such a good idea. that s ahead from the journali
at the cia and state department to it admiral mike mullen and thomas pickerring who put together that review board. state department has refused to let us know the names of survivors. state department employees injured in that fire fight he had they should be talked to by members of congress. so far, that hasn t happened. why did the secretary secretary s staff not provide more security at the benghazi compound after the june 6th bombing? expect to see some emails tomorrow that will raise more questions than answers about that decision. shep? shepard: we will see. jennifer griffin at the state department tonight. thank you. the mickelson s public rant about his taxes didn t go over with some folks. today the millionaire athlete is apologizing. we will show you what he is saying now. plus, a high school wrestler meets his match. look at this. a falling light fixture
don t buy that drones are used decisions against combatants. the use of drones may be more precise than bombardment, but that isn t the right question that we should be asking. the question is, is the use of drones lawful in the places in which we are using them and against the people who are being killed? and the answer to that is, no. also controversial, double tap drone strikes in which we sometimes fire on the same area twice in a row. sometimes allegedly killing first responders, shep? shepard: james rosen at the state department tonight. thanks. iran is weighing in on president obama s choice for defense a second. today one iranian official says he hopes chuck hagel will help make practical changes in american foreign policy. some of his fellow republicans say they cannot and will not support hagel because of his record on israel and iran. he once made a comment about the quote jewish lobby and