on september 11th, 2012, four innocent americans, ambassador chris stevens, sean smith, tyrone woods and glen doherty killed, murdered. terror in benghazi. the murder of a u.s. ambassador to libya and three others. four americans murdered. no acketsdz of acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this nation. what happened on september 11th, 2012? it begins at 9:40 p.m. libya time. a senior state department security official at the consulate calls for help. the first report, the u.s. con slot in benghazi was under attack. inside u.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens. 24 minutes later, o10:04 p.m. libya time a six person cia rescue squad assembles at the cia annex one mile from the consulate. before leaving and heading to the consulate. the cia rescue squad conducts local militias and libyan intelligence service. they see they needs vehicles with 50 caliber machine guns. no one responds.
on september 11th, 2012, four innocent americans, ambassador chris stevens, sean smith, tyrone woods and glen doherty killed, murdered. terror in benghazi. the murder of a u.s. ambassador to libya and three others. four americans murdered. no acketsdz of acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this nation. what happened on september 11th, 2012? it begins at 9:40 p.m. libya time. a senior state department security official at the consulate calls for help. the first report, the u.s. con slot in benghazi was under attack. inside u.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens. 24 minutes later, o10:04 p.m. libya time a six person cia rescue squad assembles at the cia annex one mile from the consulate. before leaving and heading to the consulate. the cia rescue squad conducts local militias and libyan intelligence service. they see they needs vehicles with 50 caliber machine guns.
supporters of yours, suggested having an independent arbiter look at your server, for instance? we did not. the server contains personal communications from my husband and me, and i believe i have met all of my responsibilities. and the server will remain private. this was a server that you owned. is that appropriate? was there any precedent for it? did you clear it with any state department security official, and do they have did they have full access to it when you were secretary? the system we used was set up for president clinton s office. and it had numerous safeguards. how could the public be assured that when you deleted e-mails that were personal in nature that you didn t also delete e-mails that were professional, but possibly unflattering? and what do you think about this republican idea of having an independent third party come in
supporters of yours, suggested having an independent arbiter look at your server, for instance? we did not. the server contains personal communications from my husband and me, and i believe i have met all of my responsibilities. and the server will remain private. this was a server that you owned. is that appropriate? was there any precedent for it? did you clear it with any state department security official, and do they have did they have full access to it when you were secretary? the system we used was set up for president clinton s office. and it had numerous safeguards. how could the public be assured that when you deleted e-mails that were personal in nature that you didn t also delete e-mails that were professional, but possibly unflattering? and what do you think about this republican idea of having an independent third party come in
report and a memo prepared in connection with that. and i have to note that as i read it, there is a reference to some of that information coming from agents who were working together in what they call a collegial atmosphere. so, again, back to these allegations. the story by the way was originally broken by cbs and cnn got the documents from a lawyer representing a former investigator. so what are the allegations some in that memo, they have eight examples. one of them is that a state department security official allegedly engaged in sexual abuse of local security guards and when he tried when an agent tried to look into it, he was not xwich enough time allegedly to investigate. another one is when secretary clinton was the selecretary of state, members of her security detail allegedly used prostitutes in countries when