Earlier reports had said that the country’s largest lender may be selling Yes Bank shares worth Rs 5,000-7,000 crore through a block deal. For the quarter ended December 31, SBI held 751.6 crore shares, or 26.13 per cent, of Yes Bank. As of Friday’s close, these shares are valued at Rs 23,577 crore
SBI is reaching out to merchants to support payment systems amid regulatory action on PayTM Payments Bank. SBI Payments, a company supporting various payment solutions, is open to a one-time migration of accounts. The RBI has ordered Paytm Payments Bank to halt basic payment services due to rule violations. Despite minimal business ties, SBI is willing to help stabilize the system.
In Q3 FY23, the profit was Rs 14,205 crore, marking a 35.49 per cent decrease compared to the same period this year., , State Bank of India (SBI), quarterly results
REL said in a regulatory filing that in March 2023, RFL, achieved a key milestone when it completed a One-Time Settlement (OTS) with 16 lenders through organic collections. The company paid more than Rs 9,000 crore to the lenders