we did get reaction from planned parenthood. they said as for the congresswoman s other claim that planned parenthood is one of the largest political organizations you can imagine, it s not really true, either. according to opensecrets.org, the two top donors were the u.s. chamber of commerce and the service workers union, depending on how you measure it. fending on which measurement you use. sciu spent about $53 million and the chamber of commerce spent about $33 million. planned parenthood less than a million. a lot of money, but compared to the others, hard to call it one of the largest political organizations you can imagine. some other hard facts. new polling numbers putting michele bachmann seventh right now. donald trump and mike huckabee tied for the lead. however, michele bachmann is considered strong in iowa because of her conservative beliefs and due to the fact
we begin tonight keeping them honest with headline grabbing words of a congresswoman who might soon be running for president, michele bachmann. she has been spending a lot of time in iowa lately, testing the waters for a presidential run and it s in iowa she launched into an attack on planned parenthood. now, it s not my job to support or oppose planned parenthood, my job is to report what s true and what s not, and some of what michele bachmann is claiming about planned parenthood simply is not true. listen. the executive director of planned parenthood in illinois said, they want to become the lenscrafter of big abortion in illinois. they re the largest provider of abortion in the united states. and not only that, they are one of the largest political organizations that you can imagine, as well. now, planned parenthood says it performed some 330,000 abortions a year. that s out of 1.2 million
treasury. they re going to say raise it up, legalize what we re doing, keep the system going for a long time. never look at the real problems of cutting back the size and scope of government. there was a lot of talk about what would happen to tea party republicans when they were coming to the house, when they were coming to the senate for the first time, whether they would somehow change, whether washington would change them, they would change washington. as you see it, as you see these debates happening, as you see the compromise that happened last week and will no doubt happen this week, do you think the tea party has changed, those folks have changed, your son included? i don t think he s changed. he s very determined and several of them are. you have to realize even everybody that was newly elected didn t get elected by the tea party. so you have to take the new members and maybe cut them in half. most of them really want to and they ve stuck to their guns, but they don t hav
lot to do with name recognition. but he has grabbed headlines but repeatedly and loudly questioning president obama s birthplace take a look. three weeks ago when i started, i thought he was probably born in this country, and now i really have a much bigger doubt. nobody from those early years that s not true. i want him to show his birth certificate. there s something on that birth certificate that he doesn t like. so he could have been born in kenya and gone over to the united states and everybody wants to be a u.s. citizen and his grandparents put an ad in saying he was born in the united states because of all the benefits you get from being born in the united states. why doesn t he show his birth certificate? why has he spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep this quiet? well, in the past on this program, we ve shown how the arguments birthers make don t square with the facts. that said, he seems to be getting a lot of traction. republicans put him at the top of the h
to have their way, but the numbers just aren t there. i m just hoping that more americans will wake up and send a stronger message here to washington to clean up our act. congressman paul, you have not announced whether you re running for president. i m not even going to bother asking you because you obviously wouldn t answer. right. but when you look at the field, donald trump has been getting a lot of attention now. do you think he s a viable candidate? he looked pretty viable to me. he was alive and well and kicking. i guess that s what it requires. as long as we check his birth certificate, i guess we ll be okay. congressman paul, thank you. okay. thanks, congressman. still ahead, some of what he was just talking about, donald trump. president obama s half sister was talking about the latest birther claims to piers morgan earlier tonight. we ll show you what she had to say. and also, whether donald trump is a real contender. is he seriously considering a presidentia