politicsnation and tonight s lead, bracing fo impact we re getting ready for firs indications of how forme president donald trump wil conduct himself on the day o historic arrangements two days from now before he left for an afternoo of golf, the former presiden announcing today the wil deliver primetime remarks from mar-a-lago tuesday night after his court appearance trump will begin his arraignment date in hi manhattan penthouse. he isn t expected to b handcuffs are held in a cell before he answers to as many a 30 criminal charges. and then he will fly on hi private jet to his florida estate yet, trump and his republica allies continue to tell anyone who will listen he is th target of unprecedente political persecution. meanwhile, manhattan s distric attorney alvin bragg and his - have been the recipient of hundreds of death threats. as have many other figures i the case, such as former trump attorney michael cohen who appeared on this program yesterday. residents of new yo