why is it important to educate our people? because we don t want to go down the same pathway as many other nations who preceded us. i think about ancient rome. very powerful. nobody could challenge them. what happened to them? they destroyed themselves from within. moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. they destroyed themselves. if you don t think that can happen to america, you get out our books and start reading. i intend to speak in support of defunding obamacare until i am no longer able to stand. to be bombed in your sleep, there is nothing american about that. there is nothing constitutional about that. this fight isn t over. it s just begun. in the monthses to come,
why is it important to educate our people? because we don t want to go down the same pathway as many other nations who preceded us. i think about ancient rome. very powerful. nobody could challenge them. what happened to them? they destroyed themselves from within. moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. they destroyed themselves. if you don t think that can happen to america, you get out our books and start reading. i intend to speak in support of defunding obamacare until i am no longer able to stand. to be bombed in your sleep, there is nothing american about that. there is nothing constitutional about that. this fight isn t over. it s just begun. in the monthses to come,
one line, we re going keep them low, but then they say we ll take other measures necessary to keep it going. and i think that some traders thought ahh. greta: but that is my point. trading money to keep things going around. that allows them to borrow at low rates and loan it out for higher rates. and they like that so if you think that that qv 3 would come, then, maybe, you ll go. if you if they jump that cash in, we d run risk of inflation. and it s not really the panaceaój. it s hard for me to all of a sudden think, like, did someone start reading into the fact they didn t say anything about that? so that must mean they re considering it? and that is the last 70 minutes? i don t get it feds say yes. yes. there is hope there. it s a matter of what you read