One of the windows of the capitol. She was also accused of using a bull horn to direct rioters. This all comes as were days away from the start of trumps second Impeachment Trial. One person we wont be seeing or hearing from, however, is donald trump himself. His defense team confirming trump wont testify. A new reaction this morning from congressman ruben gallegos. Well, this is more a typical trump move. This is not about defending his presidency, its not about defending his actions, its about, again, dividing america. Its a very cynical move because he believes and he understands the Republican Senate is not going to hold him accountable. Theres a lot of new information to run through with the trio of nbc reporters and we will begin with nbcs mike memoli, joining us from wilmington, delaware, where President Biden is spending his weekend. Mike, welcome to you. In the past few minutes were learning more from the white house on the former president and intel briefings. What do you kno