(Image: Shutterstock)
In non-pandemic times, April brings workplaces flooded with kids who test out being employed adults for a day. They crunch numbers for accounting, write newspaper stories, and try out coding. Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been a tradition for so long that some adults who bring their kids to the office once did the same with their parents.
But the annual event started as Take Our Daughters to Work Day, and the reasons why it was created as such still exist.
Take Our Daughters to Work Day was organized in 1993 by the Ms. Foundation for Women to help improve girls self-esteem and show them career options. Nell Merlino came up with the idea after reflecting on how she had benefited from her father taking her to work with him. From the start, the day was met with opposition from men and soon boys were included in the program. And while it’s of course valuable for all children to be exposed to different careers, girls are still getting left behi