an approach to a business can make you stand out from the crowd. angela is co-founder of savor the founder and ceo of oh aroma. and rod is the own of aol small business. great to to see both of you. this was particularly interesting to me because my mother and brother start ad company called job track, which took an try that was completely inefficient which was job listing for colleges for company. it wasn t a glamorous business. they sold it to monster eventually and the same with bathroom in a box. simplifying an industry that seems like you re in the market to start a business. it might be a smart thing to just look at things that you
the founder and ceo of oh aroma. and rod is the own of aol small business. great to to see both of you. this was particularly interesting to me because my mother and brother start ad company called job track, which took an try that was completely inefficient which was job listing for colleges for company. it wasn t a glamorous business. they sold it to monster eventually and the same with bathroom in a box. simplifying an industry that seems like you re in the market to start a business. it might be a smart thing to just look at things that you deal with when you re frustrated. bathroom in a box is catchy as well. my only concern is and i don t