The series takes place 10-years after the events of 'Revenge of the Sith' and is tied very deeply to the 'Star Wars' prequel series as a whole. Here's a breakdown of Obi-Wan Kenobi's timeline.
Though she had known Gong Tae Sung (Kim Young Dae) for years since college, Oh Han Byeol (Lee Sung Kyung) discovered something about the celebrity in "Shooting Stars" episodes 5 and 6.
#ShootingStars #ShootingStarsEpisode5 #ShootingStarsEp6 #LeeSungKyung #KimYoungDae
Oh Han Byeol (Lee Sung Kyung) surprise-visits Gong Tae Sung (Kim Young Dae) at work in "Shooting Stars" episode 4.
#ShootingStars #ShootingStarsEp4 #LeeSungKyung #KimYoungDae
Lee Joon Gi has just been hailed as the new No. 1 most buzzworthy K-drama actor!
#LeeJoonGi #AgainMyLife #MostBuzzworthyActor #MostBuzzworthyDrama #GoodDataCorporation
Oh Han Byeol (Lee Sung Kyung) and Gong Tae Sung (Kim Young Dae) display their love-hate relationship as they work together in "Shooting Stars" episode 2.
#ShootingStars #ShootingStarsEpisode2 #LeeSungKyung #KimYoungDae