Roast turkey dinner set for Saturday at Starrett Memorial ChurchATHOL The parishioners of Starrett Memorial United Methodist Church, 40 Island St. invite the community to their most popular seasonal supper. On Saturday, Oct. 8, at 6 p.m., the.
ATHOL Starrett Memorial United Methodist Church is pleased to welcome Stacey Hartford as their new pastor effective. Pastor Stacey comes to Athol from Hudson, where she was the Christian Education Superintendent at the First United Methodist.
ATHOL This Sunday, the Rev. Mary Owen, pastor of Starrett Memorial United Methodist Church, will conduct her final worship service at the Starrett Memorial United Methodist Church, 40 Island St., in Athol before officially entering.
ATHOL The possibility of installing a moveable skate park in downtown Athol was a topic of discussion at the Nov. 9 meeting of the meeting of the town’s Downtown Vitality Committee. Committee Chair Mary Holtorf said she has received generally.