The 2nd installment of the ‘Tales’ series journeys into the Galactic Empire through the eyes of two warriors on divergent paths set during different eras; debuts May 4 - ‘Star Wars Day.’
The 2nd installment of the ‘Tales’ series journeys into the Galactic Empire through the eyes of two warriors on divergent paths set during different eras; debuts May 4 - ‘Star Wars Day.’
"Tales of the Jedi" dives into the backstory of Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku with new installments into the Star Wars canon. Reviewer Luke Freisner commends the show s animation style
All six episodes of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi arrived on Disney+ earlier this week, but the finale actually breaks canon by contradicting the events of a 2016 novel revolving around Ahsoka Tano.