kirk. i love that. captain kirk of the star trek enterprise way above the earth for a few minutes aboard a spacecraft launched by blue origin. can you believe william shatner is 90 years old? he s the oldest person ever to travel to the edge of space. here is what the blastoff looked like. that rocket straight out of austin powers. it s like austin powers come true. amazing. shatner and three crew mates leaving the texas scrub land behind as the 60-foot tall rocket blasted their capsule
captain kirk of the star trek enterprise way above the earth for a few minutes aboard a spacecraft launched by blue origin. can you believe william shatner is 90 years old? he s the oldest person ever to travel to the edge of space. here is what the blastoff looked like. that rocket straight out of austin powers. it s like austin powers come true. amazing. shatner and three crew mates leaving the texas scrub land behind as the 60-foot tall rocket blasted their capsule into speed of more than 2,000 miles per hour reaching a height of nearly 350,000 feet. the flight lasted a little more than ten minutes from start to finish and the crew experienced