Savunma Sanayii Başkanı İsmail Demir, “Şu ana kadar 47 Ar-Ge projesini başarıyla tamamladık, 62 proje ise halen devam etmektedir. Ar-Ge projelerimizin toplam bütçesi 3.5 milyar TL’nin üzerindedir” dedi.
Erciyes Üniversitesi tarafindan ’Tanitim Günleri’ etkinlikleri kapsaminda düzenlenen ’Aday Ögrenciler Akademisyenler ile Bulusuyor’ söylesi programlarinin konugu olan Fermilab ve CERN Laboratuvar Ekibindeki Türk Bilim Insani Dr. Ögr. Üyesi Emrah Tiras; Dünyada ABD’de kurulmasi planlanan dünyanin en büyük nötrino deneyi projesi var, 100 bin ton agirliginda olacak ve bütçesi yaklasik 10 milyar dolar. Biz bu deney gibi uluslararasi projenin Ar-Ge merkezi olmayi hedefliyoruz dedi. - Kayseri,
we have video. i can count the times i ve been in course and questioned an officer about apprehendsing a suspect. now we see what happens. it s very different from the police report. here s another story we ve been following closely. prosecutors in the david ortiz shooting say they hope to release details on a motive in the case as soon as this week. nine suspects are in custody right now after the baseball legend of shot in the back at a nightclub in the dominican republic. dominican police are looking for a possible tenth suspect. the accused gunman says ortiz of not his intend tar ge and that he got confused by ortiz s clothing. according to dominican media, cruz said he was to carry out a hit and only had the color of
the former director of the fbi, this is the full employment act of the lawyers, the lawyers are getting a ton of money handling the bankruptcy. the one who is are making out are the lawyers, handling the bankruptcy now. freeh has told the senate issue he hasn t made any decisions, nor has he ruled out the possibility of paying the bonuses? david, thank you. hope you will come back. i don t think this is going away. i want to know where the $1.6 billion is. thank you. greta: straight ahead, should new york knicks star ge jeremy lynn expect a call from president obama? and find out why. the naked truth about some u.s. senators. one former senator tells it all. and justin bieber might be popular with the tweeness, but he has a grand it s time to get going. to have the energy to turn a to do list into a memory. to put more giddy-up in our get-along.
possibly getting a bonus from the former director of the fbi, this is the full employment act of the lawyers, the lawyers are getting a ton of money handling the bankruptcy. the one who is are making out are the lawyers, handling the bankruptcy now. freeh has told the senate issue he hasn t made any decisions, nor has he ruled out the possibility of paying the bonuses? david, thank you. hope you will come back. i don t think this is going away. i want to know where the $1.6 billion is. thank you. greta: straight ahead, should new york knicks star ge jeremy lynn expect a call from president obama? and find out why. the naked truth about some u.s. senators. one former senator tells it all. and justin bieber might be popular with the tweeness, but he has a grandmother hopping mad. ok, guys what s next ?