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in this picture, and i quote, will be held accountable to the fullest extent. stay with us. i m going to talk more about the outrage and fallout with mark in facetime seven minutes from now. it sounds like a vacation, west hilton, west palm beach, but seven days before the primary and 19 days before the florida votes, it s all work for republicans who think they have a shot for their party s nomination. that includes jon huntsman who came in respectable third in new hampshire and this guy who came in sixth. one of the reasons that we re here in south carolina is because we don t quit. and i want to ask you between now and the 21st to do everything that you can to talk to your friends and anybody that s not going to be here or absentee vote to get their votes in to count. because if you ll have my back on the 21st of january, i will have your back for four years in washington, d.c. the man they all want to replace will have plenty of cash to spend on keeping his job. pre
done very well the last few years. i will point out in my experience in the private sector in the investments i made in the businesses i helped to build our intent in every case was to either help people realize their dreams by starting a business or taking a business that was failing or underperforming and making it more successful. is was not buying things, taking them apart, closing them down. it was associated with trying to make enterprises more successful. not always was i able to succeed. in each case we tried to grow and hopefully provide better future for those associated with the enterprise. let s pick up on where you worked for 25 years. you say that setous apart. you have worked in the private sector and you have created jobs. there have been big successes. staple s. you helped start it and they now employ 90,000 people. on the other hand, we saw that four of the ten top dollar investments you made went bankrupt.
done very well the last few years. i will point out in my experience in the private sector in the investments i made in the businesses i helped to build our intent in every case was to either help people realize their dreams by starting a business or taking a business that was failing or underperforming and making it more successful. is was not buying things, taking them apart, closing them down. it was associated with trying to make enterprises more successful. not always was i able to succeed. in each case we tried to grow and hopefully provide better future for those associated with the enterprise. let s pick up on where you worked for 25 years. you say that setous apart. you have worked in the private sector and you have created jobs. there have been big successes. staple s. you helped start it and they now employ 90,000 people. on the other hand, we saw that four of the ten top dollar investments you made went bankrupt.
board and say what about this, what about that, and they ll try to play it off people who are on the other side of that lobbyist. the problem here is the scales really aren t that balanced. those representing the big banks and other interests have more lobbyists and are outskilled and can outweigh the voice of the consumer advocates. but that s the system we bargained for when we passed the first amendment. you have people on both sides. some spending similar amounts of money. in this case, that wasn t the case. there were, for exam people pell, fights over limits whoon the banks could charge merchants for debit card merchants. the merchants were big box stores like walmart and staple s. the lobbyists thought that was a pretty fair fight.