Outside f my house. And im pulled over before out here, it nothing bii, but this has actually got a little worried for a little bit. Ttey werent leeting me out of theehouse. Investigators say hoofman was driviig a car with frattrnal order of police liceese lates. Hich means, they saa, shes ccnneeted to someone who could beea police officer. Live at ceetral booking, keith daniels, fox 45 we are tracking breaking newsstonight out offnortthest b. This ii a two alarm fiie that hhs consumed several homes on the zoo. The flamee sttrted around threeehours ago and brought in multiple fire creww to connain he roaring fire. Eveeyone mmde it ouu, but eighbors cant believe the intensity of the flames that rippee through the 3 13 24 all i heard was a big boomm. Ppease let her be okay. Okay. I didnt want her to get pburneddup. I had to bring her our wwth so so she wouldnttget burred up. Up. The cause of thh fire is under investigation. 3 maryland llwmakers. Are considering. New ules. To. Stop. All o
&p the stink bug i. invasion. (14:01:38) the stink bug is everywhere. everywhere. how bad it will be this year.. and the industry that could be devastated by these tiny pests. - mold.. dissovered in a baltimore city home. home.(myra) dont call nobody else a slum lord unless you take care of your ownn property, its like the kettle calling the pot black you cant do cant do it for the problem.. and why ttese pictures might just be a problem. another rain and snow mix possible tonight.how long the wintry weather will hang on in my skywatch forecast. 3 a speccal homecoming the lucky break that llt this airman meet his newborn son. hello./ i m. jeff barnd.//áájennifer s./ off ////ááaáá. baltimore. city./ employee./ is. arrested./ for./ assaull..//// ááhe sáá.// no. stranger,.// to./ trouble.// áámichaeláá. &pbuczyner ./ a. city./ policy./// now./ under fire.////. fire.////. ááát sáá. a. story./ you re