Opinions at the ready, because this is about to get messy
January 26, 2021 We originally published this back on 7 December, 2016. In that time, we’ve had three new main Call of Duty campaigns to factor in, so we’ve adjusted the article to reflect those changes.
Did you know that there are 16 Call of Duty campaigns available to play through for PC players? Neither did we, and we’ve played the whole lot of them (even some of the console only ones like Big Red One, but we can’t talk about those here, shhhhh).
While many players have been firmly hooked on the series’ multiplayer modes since 2007, it can be easy to forget that Call of Duty started out as a primarily single player experience. Those experiences were pretty damn good, too, and dragged FPS games into the 21st century with blockbuster set pieces, not to mention relatively new mechanics like regenerating health and aim down sights.