Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai took the stage on Wednesday at a Stanford event held by the university's business school, offering some small insights into how he thinks about running one of the world's most valuable tech companies. It was a notable appearance because Pichai's been having a bit of a rough go lately. Google is widely perceived to have gotten a late start on generative AI, trailing behind Microsoft-funded OpenAI.
It was a notable appearance because Pichai's been having a bit of a rough go lately. Google is widely perceived to have gotten a late start on generative AI.
An 80-year-old American suffered a medical emergency on a Norwegian Cruise, which "medically disembarked" her on an African island, but her family said the cruise line never contacted them.
Julie Lenkoff, 80, suffered a medical emergency on a Norwegian Cruise, which "medically disembarked" her on an African island, but her family said the cruise line never contacted them.