Coast to coast. All four officers have now been charged in the death of george floyd and they are in custody, as i speak. The officer seen kneeling on floyds neck with seconddegree murder charges. He was originally charged with thirddegree murder, and Second Degree adds intent and the other officers aiding and abetting, seconddegree murder. The states attorney general telling reporters that winning a conviction will be tough, but he believes the law is on his side. We gathered all of the facts that we could. We reviewed the criminal statutes. We looked at case law. We consulted with each other and we arrived at these charges. I strongly believe that these developments are in the interest of justice for mr. Floyd, his family, our community and our state. And this is the scene across the country, as i said, Peaceful Protesters gathering from coast to coast in cities. Just moments ago what we saw, just moments ago in minneapolis, we saw protests and the president defending his claim that